30% of proceeds will go to EntryWay


Throughout my life, I have faced significant challenges in my pursuit of success. Some difficulties arose from poor choices, while others were simply the result of life's unpredictability. I made a promise to myself that if I ever had the opportunity to give back, I would do so. This book represents my chance to make a meaningful impact on someone else's life.

Just over a year ago, a poor decision of an unreliable roommate led to my eviction, leaving me homeless on the streets of Orlando, Florida. Fortunately, a kind-hearted family took me in, allowing me to gain employment. However, just three months later, unforeseen circumstances prevented me from completing my probationary period at that job. During my search for work, I still faced homelessness with the support of this family.

It was during this difficult time that I discovered an organization called EntryWay. EntryWay which is a national 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to transitioning individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness toward economic self-sufficiency. They achieve this by providing full-time employment, housing, and career training opportunities in collaboration with the real estate industry.

I was fortunate to participate in their program, which included valuable training. After three months of job searching within the industry, I successfully secured a job, stable housing, and a newly furnished apartment, all thanks to the support of EntryWay. I am deeply grateful to this organization, as their assistance was instrumental during a period when I struggled with severe depression.

It is my desire to give back to EntryWay. 



The price of this e-book is established at $9.99. I am dedicated to donating $3.00 from the proceeds of each sale to Entryway. My goal is to make a meaningful impact in someone's life, just as Entryway did for me. Providing another individual with a renewed sense of hope during challenging times embodies the essence of life—helping those in need.



